The project explores architecture and bodies as emotional archives to materialize trans* possibilities. This notion serves two purposes: first, it alleviates “homesickness” and the architectural impulse to restore bodies to their “original forms” by maintaining a continuous process of archiving. Second, it establishes a sensitive connection between the self and space through emotions, a connection that is both individually and collectively constructed. First, the archive is manifested in an axonometry in a 1 / 3000 scale. This element materializes the environment in which my non-binarity navigates daily, providing a broad spatial context. Second, with a layer of redrawn event posters, poems, and testimonies, which are sculpting my archive, as well as the ones I am connected to, and integrating into its spaces. Third with a collage of elements that includes: - A closet; - A police hotel re-envisioned as a center for hormone production, distribution, and consumption; - A tower repurposed as an operating theatre for gender reassignment surgeries. These sites of trans* social reproduction are developed in 1 / 200 scale plans, elucidating the detailed potential of these redevelopments while conveying flexible ideas. The interfaces are redrawn in 1 / 50 scale to trace the interactions between bodies and space. Part personal archive, part collective archive, this project aims to materialize imaginaries and delineate the contours of a trans* future, using architecture as a transformative device.