Company towns were a paternalistic response to entrepreneurs’ new challenges during the Industrial Textile Revolution. Building housing for company workers demonstrated the desires of private entrepreneurs “to provide and to separate”: providing property they could not have otherwise had, by separating private space from public, home from work, domestic rooms from each other, favoring the specialization of functions, labor, and sexual division, and creating a fertile field for horizontal control at all levels of life. My thesis, Factory of Lives, uses witnesses’ memories and narratives from three Biella case studies to understand company towns’ history and importance. The biopolitical role of the house as a true factory—not of goods but of human lives—is considered the ultimate control device to maximize labor exploitation. However, oral testimonials also show nostalgia for a lost community. In response, the project proposes a residential and urban retrofitting concept using the former company town of Vigliano Biellese as a case study. A legal framework suggests the introduction of a cooperative and community land trust to reconsider domestic and territorial boundaries. At the scale of domesticity, moveable partitions enable flexible spaces for today’s modern households, while different gradients of privacy and communal spaces are provided to accommodate mixed-income tenants. At the scale of the neighborhood, property boundaries and streets, which currently reveal municipal neglect and upkeep difficulties, are being blurred into pedestrian paths, where people can meet and care for each other. Ultimately, In Good Company proposes a new way of living based on commoning to give more to the residents of this historic company town by inserting spaces for reciprocity and care.