With the development of ski resorts, a new form of housing emerged: leisure accommodation. Cherished by many lowlanders, mountain chalets or flats are often a way of feeling closer to nature. However, these residences, also referred to as “cold beds”, are occupied for an average of six weeks a year, according to the Swiss Federal Office for Spatial Development. In Val d'Hérens, 1,800 of such beds were built on a plateau at an altitude of 2,000 meters. Structured like a hotel, leisure accommodation rules the architecture in the touristic complex of Thyon 2000. The typological diversity leaves little room for long stays, human appropriation, and collective life. The Greppon and Sallier buildings reflect most intensely the hotel nature of the typologies offered. This transformation project brings the two buildings together into one large house, offering a new collective approach. While the previous typologies focused on studios, the project creates new interactions between residents and the existing infrastructure. The new typologies bring greater inclusivity and generational mix, allowing the housing units to evolve with the inhabitants. Existing terraces are extended into the interior, creating seasonal spaces, and technical facilities and storage are integrated into common spaces; a collective life takes shape. While all-tourism remains central to the development of mountain regions, this project offers an architectural response for a sustainable, reconnected development of ski resorts’ housing.