Tabriz - La mixité programmatique dans le contexte d'une ville islamique (Iran)

Sanam Leisiazar

Dramatic growth of urban populations in the developing countries is being a challenging issue in the upcoming decades. Tabriz is one of those megacities in the northwest of Iran with a rapid rate of development and modernization. As a consequence an urban-social segregation is being formed in the southeast of the city. To hinder such segregation a mix program that combines the traditional aspects of the urban development and modern life styles is proposed. Within this respect a residential complex built in 1960's in the southeast of the city is chosen to analyze and devise a plan for the redevelopment of the site with an induce on the district. The complex is the core of the development of the district that indeed differs from the neighboring sites in the manner of typology, density and diversity. The objective of the project is to generate a mix program of activities with the concept of the ancient Bazaar of Tabriz. It is to valorize the original aspects of the site in correlation with modern life styles. The project is based on the presence of activities, which participate to the reinvention of public space and contribute to the construction of an urban passage. The proposition is to introduce a mix structure of commerce, offices and housing to requalify the urban spaces by creating interrelations with the activities of the site and the district.

Supervision team:
Bassi Andrea (dir. pédagogique); Ruzicka-Rossier Monique (prof.); Slongo Enrico (maître EPFL); Al'Farra Bassel (expert)
Professor in charge of the statement:
Ruzicka-Rossier Monique (ENAC INTER LAC)
Master, Fall
Master Project
Theoretical statement

Quelle contemporanéité pour le développement d'un quartier à Tabriz (Iran)?
