A section cuts through BÜMPLIZ-BETHLEHEM – western periphery district of the city of Bern. The drawing shows fragments of a picturesque garden city, cheap and simple Kriegssiedlungen, post-World War II serial houses, CIAM-influenced large-scale ensembles and vestiges of a former farming village cohabiting side by side. The patchwork-like urban body of BÜMPLIZ-BETHLEHEM appears in section as a linear succession of very diverse city spaces and transition moments. This comprehension of the city as a "sequence" of different spatial conditions is reflected in the project. The project organizes an urban sequence from the old village through a 1970ies' large-scale housing ensemble to the railway station. The transformation of the Fellergut's fissured interior landscape and the implantation of Bern's civil registry office turn the "Grosssiedlung" into urban space.