Acts of constructive and poetic translation
From the preceding phases, the language of an intersection of materials becomes a proto-element. During this phase, your architectures are negotiated, and affinities discovered between studios and projects. A set of 1:1 details as proto-elements are constructed, with the body’s energy implicit. A story about material, territory, and the body is told. Articulation is material. Within an ever-changing ecological crisis, our relationship with water raises questions. Considered both a resource and a threat, it is increasingly invisible, disappearing in a fraction of a second and travelling underground. This phenomenon, combined with the impermeability of cities, breaks the cycle of water, which can no longer infiltrate, exfiltrate, evaporate and transpire through plants. This deprives us of considerable potential. Its evolution holds the seeds of new perspectives for water in our cities and landscapes. We want to make water visible again. How can we broaden and modify our understanding of water in an urban context? How can we reintegrate the water cycle into this context? How can we include not only infrastructure, but also social, cultural and biological cultural and biological aspects in our relationship with water? The backbone of the project is water, on Place de la Riponne: on, in, around, above and below. The aim of this second phase is to reveal stories about water, history, territory, and their relationship to our bodies. Materials are articulated and mediate bodies and territory.
Claudia Adames Batista, Ghazel Alnsour, Bérénice Bläsi, Iago Duqué, Delphin Gouiller, Nathan Kaeser, Mariam Khraisat, Léna Latham, Matteo Miele, Inès Monnerat, Johann Rey, Margot Ruch, Sonya Sandova, Eléonore Schüpbach, Teo Spadanuda, Danilo Spohr, Noémie Stalder, Justina-Maria Taran, Yann Tièche, Julia Tomas, Emma Trachsel, Mathieu Viquerat, Emilie Walpen, Djamila Zünd
Studio Director
Nikhil Calas
Student Assistant
Malak Abdelhady
Y1 Team
Román Alonso Gómez, Nikhil Calas, Laurent Chassot, Rosa Climent, Dieter Dietz, Ophélie Dozat, Capucine Fouquin, Arianna Frascoli, Carla Frick-Cloupet, Matthieu Friedli, Nessim Kaufmann, Bastian Marzoli, Manuel Potterat, Yann Salzmann, Laila Seewang, Annabelle Thüring