Acts of constructive and poetic translation
From the preceding phases, the language of an intersection of materials becomes a proto-element. During this phase, your architectures are negotiated, and affinities discovered between studios and projects. A set of 1:1 details as proto-elements are constructed, with the body’s energy implicit. A story about material, territory, and the body is told. Articulation is material.
During the second phase of its semester, KNOWHERE developed monumental ephemerality: sliding arches, pivoting columns, and retractable canopies.
The classical architecture of place de la Riponne met the temporality of market tents, revealing the potential for social appropriation. Moving joints gave birth to moving architectural elements, and affordances emerged from the interaction between bodies and flexible spaces.
Joudy Afifi, Jaime Barros Alvarez, Maria Brito Sa, Natalie Chopathar, Julia Clements, Lou-An Cochard, Maël Ebanista, Louise Eberle, Sandro Eirô Jorge, Annie Farquet, Rida Fergani, Olivia Germanier, Ariel Ghisays Berlincourt, Sofia Ginzbourg, Amir Hurtic, Charlotte Jeanneret, Alaa Joumaa, Stéphanie Kuttler, Alexandre Lebacq, Dawit Mesfun, Cyril Monnier, Thiên-Chanh Tran
Studio Director
Bastian Marzoli
Student Assistant
Anna Compagnon
Y1 Team
Román Alonso Gómez, Nikhil Calas, Laurent Chassot, Rosa Climent, Dieter Dietz, Ophélie Dozat, Capucine Fouquin, Arianna Frascoli, Carla Frick-Cloupet, Matthieu Friedli, Nessim Kaufmann, Bastian Marzoli, Manuel Potterat, Yann Salzmann, Laila Seewang, Annabelle Thüring