Acts of surveying the land
To measure assumes a distance between two or more things. It also means to establish references: between spaces, sizes, horizons. We measure, with the senses of the body, a territory that emanates from our sites in Geneva. Starting from an origin, a distance is measured and surveyed, and a territory begins to emerge in conversation with the starting point. We produce, through surveying, a set of potentialities. Reading the land is an act of imagining.
Students are asked to compare a survey they carry out on site with the plans of an old church, whose foundations were uncovered and then destroyed when the Palais de Rumine was built. The notion of transformation and historical strata is illustrated by a fragment superimposing the two temporalities. Geometric complexity enables students to learn to use the following modes of representation: plan, section and model.
The measurement tool proposed requires the measurement of an angle, a distance and a height. The use of an angle as a measuring tool resonates with the difference in orientation of the two buildings. The Dominican church was oriented along the conventional (east-west) axis of churches, while the orientation of the Palais de Rumine is more in keeping with the topography of the vallon de la Louve and therefore with the orientation of the Place de la Riponne.
The various fragments created by the students were also used to create a group model. The different elements form a whole, revealing the volume of the church.
Ylli Azizi, Quentin Caillet, Catarina Da Mota Dias, Loris Duc, Anouk Froussart, Andrea Guidotti, Eva Haskal, Thiên-My Hua, Grégoire Huot-Marchand, Rafaela Lopez Espinosa, Manon Matsushima, Zelmire Mühlethaler, Algida Mwamba, Hugo Nguyen, Giselle Ospina Ospina, Matteo Parker, Mathis Pichonnaz, Eléonore Pictet, Maïté Poirier, Mateo Remili Elia, Charlotte Schneider, Bledar Shala, Noé Sita, Alban Zenulovic
Studio Director
Matthieu Friedli
Student Assistant
Louis Meier
Y1 Team
Román Alonso Gómez, Nikhil Calas, Laurent Chassot, Rosa Climent, Dieter Dietz, Ophélie Dozat, Capucine Fouquin, Arianna Frascoli, Carla Frick-Cloupet, Matthieu Friedli, Nessim Kaufmann, Bastian Marzoli, Manuel Potterat, Yann Salzmann, Laila Seewang, Annabelle Thüring