HOUSE 2 - COUNTER CITY: a wood frame 240 square metre public installation in Zurich, collaboratively built by EPFL’s ALICE laboratory
HOUSE 2 - COUNTER CITY ( is a 240 square metre public architectural installation situated next to the Toni-Areal in Zurich. The project is based on an experimental format for collaborative design and construction conceived by ALICE (Atelier de la Conception de l’Espace).
Erected in less than 10 days, the project involved 200 first-year students, who prefabricated all the built elements of the installation in Lausanne and transported them across Switzerland in six shipping containers to Zurich, where they unloaded and re-assembled them as a full-size ephemeral structure. Devoted to social and cultural events, the public installation is not a homogenous architecture, but rather, the result of various different contributions. Each offers an approach to spatial appropriation by many voices, in a dialogical process that questions the quality of public life in view of growing cities around the globe. In reference to Richard Sennett’s recent book “Together”, strong emphasis is given to the notion of collectivity and the negotiation of space of social difference. The project works as a pedagogical tool that materializes these topics in the design- build process, and in its physical and spatial parameters.
The previous year’s experiment, HOUSE 1, was the configuration of an archetypal house collectively built as an in-vitro condition: an on-campus installation in Lausanne, by students for students. The rooms of HOUSE 1 were engaged primarily in forming a series of interior relations: HOUSE 2 has evolved from this premise, turning outwards, setting itself in relation to the city, and becoming a common place of activity and urban participation.
In order to foster civic engagement, ALICE, in close collaboration with the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK), has jointly programmed a series of events for summer 2017 to take place in the context of the installation, between May 31st and June 15th. These include guided tours, theatre and music performances, a sound installation, symposia, student critiques and exhibitions, and an open-air cinema.
To quote Dieter Dietz, "through these activities, HOUSE 2 expands the practice of collaboration into the public sphere of the city. As a forum installation, it provides a space for active exchange, debate and discussion involving the entire community.”
From Zurich West, HOUSE 2 travelled on to Lausanne, where it took on a new form and new programme during the summer of 2017. In autumn, the structure was disassembled and the wood preserved to be reconfigured into HOUSE 3 for 2018.
Dieter Dietz, Daniel Zamarbide, Raffael Baur, Laurent Chassot, Elena Chiavi, Jorge Christie, Margherita Del Grosso, Aurélie Dupuis, Thomas Favre-Bulle, Stéphane Grandgirard, Patricia Guaita, Emma Letizia Jones, Clarisse Labro, Agathe Mignon, François Nantermod, Dario Negueruela, Rudi Nieveen, Laura Perez Lupi, Myriam Perret, Jaime Ruiz, Thibault Smith, Ruben Valdez
Abbas Oria, Andrade Viegas Rita, Arnaud Charles Marie, Avdija Sadia, Baptista de Sousa Mélanie, Ba- rès Julie-Anna Marie, Barbey Samuel, Baseggio Lisa, Belaich Yonah, Benarroch Nathan Jacob, Benja- min Léo, Bernath Lara Carole Nadège, Berger Capucine Miën Vérone, Biber Alice Carole, Bitz Ka- thleen, Bosshard Cédric Grégory, Botsis Katerina, Boxebeld Carlotta Maria, Burget Baptiste, Burnand Léo Ram Sovath, Burnier Mandy, Burri Alex, Cabaud Zacharie, Campigotto Kevin, Carlier Nicolas Vin- cent Robert, Carminati Lisa Alice Fanny, Carrière Céline, Casile Antoine Claude Elliot, Chawa Chaza, Cibeira Lachmann Christina, Clivaz Margaux, Contreras Alvarez Carolina, Corazza Kevin, Cossali Kilian Adrien, De Britto Tavares Pablo Valentin, De Oliveira Thibault Jean, Delcourt Timothée Stéphane Marie, Demuynck Clara, Dominé Marine, Dos Santos Luca, Dubois Charles François, Ducor Flavien André Christian, Dupertuis Romain, Duriez Camille, Eichenberger Brigitte, El Daccache Benessa, El Farrah Allae-Eddine, El-Hamadeh Adam, Ferreira Da Silva Rafael, Fillit Pablo Joseph Adam, Fleury Yan Roman David, Flury Loïc Michael, Formica Lina Hélène, Forsey Edward Louis, Gaspar Théo, Gasser Gilles Ben- jamin Theo, Giacuzzi Gimmi, Gigon Eliane Amina, Gillet Sven Zuo Yue, Giorla Lara, Girardet Noémie Anissa, Gjocaj Leonita, Glaus Maximilian Thomas, Goy Catherine Alexandra, Gorgone Flavio Mario, Gras Eléonor Lily, Grenier Céliane Malou Eliane, Grigoryeva Karina, Gueyffier Eléonore Sixtine Lauren- ce Marie Solange, Gün Mikail, Gurba Johan Manuel Olivier, Gysler Fabio Manuel, Hahusseau Sarah Roxane, Hassan Moallin Madina, Iff Romain, Heil Julien, Jaton Doriand Andrzej, Jianoux Charlotte Fla- vie Judith, Karameta Lundrim, Kiener Jonathan, Kolesnikov Gleb, Lagrange Lauriane Marie-Clémence Renée, Lamarche Lorenzo Rudolf, Lankry Pierrot Michel Zin-Zan, Larcelet Emma Christine Joelle, Lau- ret Héloïse, Lombardi Alexandre Tristan Bénédict, Lonfat Carmen, Louet Thibauld Clément, Luetto Vincent, Lugrin Loïc, Luthy Maxime Bertrand, Marmolejo Valdez Andrea Sthefania, Medic Marina, Mehdaoui Fadwa, Mercolli Lino Mattia, Mettraux Sam Fernand, Michel Kyra Lea, Michellod Judith, Mourelle Philippe, Miéville Yoann Guillaume Sacha, Millius Loris André, Morelli Simone, Müller Victor Oskar Rudolph, Musy Pierre Pascal Erwin, Nabky Diana Rami Michel, Nasreldin Malak, Nguyen Thuy Thanh, Nicolas Sacha Philippe Christophe, Nicole Dimitri, Nogueira Pereira Flavio Junio, Noth Nicolas Emile, Ogbonna Gabriel Ihechimnemerem, Ott Klea, Ovadia Valérie, Pagano Antonio, Paillat Quentin, Pannatier Carina, Parlier Joséphine, Paris Ncuti, Pauvert Grégoire Hugo, Pavillard Fanny, Périat Laura, Perretten Lucie, Pillet Maylis Françoise Marie, Pham Quang Vinh, Pil- sworth Daniel Louis, Popescu Valentin, Porret Julien Alexandre, Prat Antoine Gabriel Damien, Ram- seyer Roman, Rattazzi Filippo, Rey Julien, Ricard-Gauthier Antoine Matthieu, Rossi Manuel, Sahli Aude, Salamin Árpád, Schaerrer Flore Ondine, Schaller Abigaël, Schindler Chloé, Schmidt Jacques, Schopfer Mathias, Schuler Karen Kim, Schwendimann Monasterios Laura Vanessa, Seffacene Clara Marie Anne, Shehata Christine Ashraf Kamal, Sienko Maria, Sikiardis Alice Thina Amanda, Silva José Gabriel, Skorik Anastasia, Sordet Basile Quentin, Stadelmann Pablo Ricardo, Stavrovskaja Natalia, Steullet Anne Gabrielle, Stump Emmanuel Théo, Surano Pierluigi, Tarditi Davide, Terrien Romane, Ter Zehra Susanna, Tiezzi Alessandro, Toktas Sözdar, Toturbieva Salimat, Trivelli Roberto, Tuchschmid Gaël Corentin, Ulrich Sarah, Vandenberghe Tanguy Pierre, Varrin Samuel Pierre, Vidal Martins Carina Soraia, Viennot-Bourgin Pauline Marie, Vögelin Leonne-Zoë, Wahida Ziad, Wirth Sidney, Wust Arno, Zbinden Arnaud Loick.
Lead engineer timber construction: Rémy Meylan, Atelier Whood x Mug Media Partner: Archithese
Sound work consultation: Sophie Mallett
Gétaz-Miauton SA
Debrunner Acifer SA Romandie Eternit (Suisse) AG
Makita SA
Jaquet SA
La Porch Sarl
Muller AMV
Edalith Schweiz AG
Lumens8 SA
Monacor Schweiz AG Metzgerei Keller AG
dimensions: 9 x 6 x 45 metres
weight: 5 tons
planning: 3 months preparation, 2 weeks construction 20’000 linear metres of wood
500 square metres wooden panels
20’000 screws