Le studio Sophie Delhay a le plaisir de recevoir Inge Vinck pour une conférence donnée dans le cadre du semestre de printemps 2023 - La ville comme une maison.
A JDVIV / IVJDV A + ETC est une pratique pluridisciplinaire dans laquelle la fabrication et la réflexion sont profondément imbriquées. Les lignes de base UNIVERSUM CARROUSEL JOURNEY ainsi que FORM LIFE URGE en donnent l'image. Inge Vinck est professeur à la Kunst Akademie de Dusseldorf (Allemagne) et Jan De Vylder est titulaire d'une chaire à l'ETH Zurich (Zurich).
Jan De Vylder and Inge Vinck are co-founders of jan de vylder architecten (JDV A – 2007 to 2010 ) and architecten de vylder vinck taillieu (A DVVT – 2010 to 2019) and recently of architecten jan de vylder ingevinck / inge vinck jan de vylder architecten (A JDVIV / IVJDV A – ETC since 2019). All with so much joy.
A JDVIV / IVJDV A is a multi-disciplinary practice in which the making and the thinking are deeply imbedded. The baselines UNIVERSUM CARROUSEL JOURNEY as also FORM LIFE URGE do give image to that. Experiments like THAT IS DOES NOT LOOKS GOOD MAKES THAT IT LOOKES GOOD as movements from DO-IT-YOURSELF to DO-IT-TOGETHER give back-ground to projects like house ROT-ELLEN-BERG as the free space for psychiatric clinic CARITAS to the proposal of strategy for the PALAIS DES EXPOS. And so much more.
Inge Vinck is professor at the Kunst Akademie in Dusseldorf (Germany) and Jan De Vylder is holding chair at the ETH Zurich (Zurich). The baseline for the chair is SHARE on ARCHITECTURE AN(D) ATTITUDE. Aiming RE-THINKING-RE but still to making D-RE-AMING possible. Rather intervening and initiating then producing and delivering. Looking for another economy and freed ecology. It is all in.
Architecture is rather a MANDATE at least not only a service. Time is today demanding and architects can FREE minds rather than just solve. The QUESTION is often the better answer. It is a call!
A JDVIV / IVJDV by its practice as by its teaching explore also the world exhibiting and lecturing as also writing and publishing. International publishing houses – amongst 2G (ES), de Aedibus (CH) and A+U (JP) - and cultural centers – deSingel Antwerp (BE) to TOTO GALLERY MA Tokyo (JP) - have propelled the work around the world as also self-initiatives in publishing are ongoing part. 3 BOEK 789 as also BRAVOURE SCARCITY BEAUTY as UNLESS EVER PEOPLE and more recently AVAILABLE ACCEPTACE ADORACE are marking points. Upcoming A BOOK ABC ETC will continue this further on. More recently and in the frame of the chair at ETH a book documented the still ongoing project 7 QUESTIONS covering yet till today up to 70 contributions. Always pleasure and more to come.
A JDVIV / IVJDV has received many recognitions throughout the years amongst the Silver Lion at the Venice Biennial as also being finalist of the European Prize for Architecture Mies van der Rohe Award as also the Schelling Prize. So thankfull!