Information - Center
A courtyard located in a block of buildings in the 9th arrondissement in Paris creates with its 60 meters long blind wall and a catholic residence an unique context for a refuge of religious books and readers. The Project: A slim figurative shelf shaped building, which rests to this great wall including an efficient storage space with moving shelves and the minimal use of circulation. Furthermore, an added reading space, which is located on top of the storage providing a marvelous view over Paris by a periscope.
Information - Periphery
The project is located in Les Pavillons-sous-Bois, a commune in the eastern suburbs of Paris that is undergoing several urban transformations. The motif of the data center relates to this sense of development. In addition, the chosen site is a border between residential and industrial areas. The project aims to blur the lines between these two zones, and it benefits on its shape to transform its roof into an urban landscape. It is commonly known that data centers require a significant amount of energy. That is the reason why different strategies are applied to reduce this consumption.