Modern gleaning becomes the new paradigm in waste management of the city of Paris with refurbishment workshops and storage of domestic waste.
Refurbishment workshops and stock of thrown-out textiles, clothing, electronics, jewelry, pottery, and books at the top of the iconic department store in the center of Paris. Appearing as a textile crown on Boulevard Haussmann, the light tensile structure becomes the last layer on the endlessly growing pyramid of add-ons on the Galerie Lafayette. It gently surrounds the main jewel of the building - the cupola, framing the view of Paris with the fabric ceiling. Roofs from the Rue de Provence become public terraces, opening an opportunity to experience the peculiar landscape of the building from a different perspective.
Furnitures, electronics, mechanics... are being restored or repurposed. A tower is rear on top of an existing train infrastructure creating a station in Paris suburb Clichy-sous-bois. The volume increases to be free of the constraints of the ground floor and host the specificity of the program. The hybrid structure consists of a cast on site skeleton and reused concrete blocks from dismantled constructions (red on the drawing)