The choice to work on the dataset we collect around the Limat, city of Zurich result on the exploration of the riverside of the façade, in particular the zurichness of the arcades and the strong verticality. I chose this GAN Image because we can see and feel the concrete grid with this feeling of strong verticality, this also creates some shapes on the façade that I interpret as alcove. I also find very interesting how the the arcades became pillars, who create a patio space, which could be use as a shop, or cover for the citizens when it’s raining. In the Gan Image you can see and feel those strong columns at the front, this gave me the idea to use them as a free-standing wall-column, which gives the possibility to have a free plan. To make the free plan possible, I used the grid of the façade for the inside punctual support column. This grid creates the inside of the library, where the books are in between 2 punctual support columns.
For the 3D model, I used the grid of the gan-façade and redraw it as a structural element. The way the shadows surrender the façade pillars and give the impression of curved walls, which are gonna be used as alcoves : the place of private work. Since we don’t have a lot of information on the back façade, I took the decision to mirror the front façade as the back one. This also gives the possibility of having a free-standing wall, and a free plan. The particular shape of the Gan façade and the interpretation of it as alcoves, I wanted to use this space as a place of works, for a library. The first floor, with the loggia, and the high of the floor give the possibility to have a BookShoop. The back garden is open for the buyers if they want to have a nice place to read the book they just bought. The first and second floor is the library and the place of study. I keep the façade rhythm to create the inside structural column. The space in between two columns is used for the bookcase.The façade is a concrete free-standing wall, the isolation is inside, all around the façade and the roof. The slabs are on a free plan, standing on the structural column which follows the grid of the façade.
The cross plan gives the direction with the façade-light for the people inside the library to where they can study. Those places are linked to the façade, with a partial vue on the Limat for the Est face. I also wanted to create a place for people who want to stay longer, who have projects, like writers or artists, who want to have a room, with a private space to study and work. To give them the freedom to socialize, an open space is at the center of the plan, where you have the kitchen, salon and place of discussion.