The approach towards the images was to use the glitches, which at first glance are seen as errors, and undesirable content, as a source of original content. A key design process was to isolate a particular type of glitch in the interpolation, widening the creative spectrum of the image. The interpretation of the image produced allowed the main conceptual tools to be defined: the screen wall, as an interface to the city, as well as a composition regulated by the entablatures and the commercial base on the ground floor.
The ornamental character of this particular street, which is wider and reserved for pedestrians, blended with GAN’s inventiveness to produce this specific architecture. The screen wall then became a landmark in the landscape, at a street scale, interacting with the bell tower and the observatory. Rennweg Strasse is a shopping street in the district, and the shop windows compete with a variety of scenery: this observation guided me towards the choice of a mixed program of housing and a cinema, and also to translating this scenery to the façade, by widening the impact of the screen wall.
The building develops around a vertical axis connecting the main common spaces: first of all the hall, which is also the site of an art gallery of double height. Walking up the stairs, the user walks past the red curtains of the cinema, conveying a warm atmosphere to this space. The stairwell, quite sculptural, is lit by zenithal openings in the attic. Under the roof is a film library, directly linked to the projection room. The projection room offers the possibility of discovering films in a more private atmosphere than in a traditional cinema, due to its small size.