Education in Korea is a real challenge for students. The need to study is prevalent, while sleep is second to studying. The project offers a solution to students with a lack of access to what they need: a campus. Similar to a boarding school, the campus offers studios, a library, a cafeteria, Hagwons, study rooms, and even study cubes, allowing an intense study process with efficiency as everything needed to succeed can be found in the Learning Machine.
The existing site is composed of low-rise to mid-rise residential buildings with a low density. The block looks out of place with its suburban, pitched roofs look compared to the surrounding urban fabric which is of a much higher density and height. By developing a tailored building code, it is possible to develop spaces allowing the project to expand inside of the block while keeping as much of the existing site. The ground floor is the study level and is unseen to the outside world allowing for the deep immersion needed for an intensive study program. The housing units, composed of studios, will rest on this level as well while some of the existing buildings are retrofitted and elevated.