To tackle this exercise, our aim is to create a deep connection between inhabitants and their house. We want to stimulate interaction, dynamism, and encourage a constant re-thinking of one’s definition to live a space.
We tend to live less and less aware of the climate obstacles we have to face, because our houses overprotect us. By not knowing those mechanisms, we fail to understand our house, and therefore cannot change any parameter of it. For this project, the idea is to give inhabitants the levers of their house, giving them the power and the responsibility of their own comfort.
To experiment with the efficiency of the idea, we set the goal to offer a house for all
of the 12 inhabitants with large common spaces and private spaces to sleep, shaped on only one additional floor on top of the bunker. A constantly fluide, moving space.
The first action to realize this idea is a connection with the bottom floor. Because
the space already existing inside the bunker cannot be neglected. To create this link, a chunk of the concrete slab is extracted, providing a huge quantity of mass from which we can cut our unit. We then get pieces of cut concrete as Units.
With those units and the aim to create a modulable space, the load-bearing structure is a grid of concrete pillars and a system of concrete beams, offering the opportunity to repurpose any part of the space with simple and accessible actions, such as opening doors, windows or traps, moving light furniture, or even further in our case: storing your bed up the wall or revealing staircases. This system also creates the opportunity to support a non-bearing isolating brick perimeter shell.
Questioning the definition of privacy, we found out that not everyone is looking for
the same kind or degree of intimacy. With this in mind, the project offers different degrees of privacy. But whatever option you choose, the space you slept in will be transformed into a common space during the day, making the idea of claiming a bed as yours obsolete. We can predict that different behaviors will happen in different conditions.
The bunker was designed to be self-sufficient on water resources with a system accumulating and filtering rain water from its roof. By moving the collecting area on a new roof one floor up, we can keep the system and accumulate water pressure to flush toilets on the bottom floor. Main water accesses (shower, laundry) are accessible on the bottom floor because they are harder to move.
This is a Moving House, a house that can be modulated to suit one’s needs, and it works thanks to the original bunker properties of space, thermal inertia, and mass.
The project is the result of the semester's work. To read the semester content description, follow this LINK.