The project, located at Gérignoz in the Pays d’Enhaut region, plans the modernisation of the existing saw-mill by adding a robot. Our site analysis allowed us to conclude that the presence of numerous punctual columns would interfere with the material circulation. That’s why we decided to disassemble the existing saw-mill and reuse certain pieces for the new projected building. The objectives that we set, allow us to bring a new logic to the saw-mill workflows. As a first step, we wish to rationalise the space by superimposing the useable area for the saw (that works only during the winter) and the useable area for the robot (that works only in summer). As a result, the footprint of the new building stays reasonable compared to the former construction. As for the structure, we opt for assemblies allowing the free plan, in order to facilitate the material ow. The timber pieces come from surrounding forests and are cut by the robot. Lastly, a heated space brings comfort to the employees and allows to keep an eye on robotic fabrication. Finally, the project, by its shape and its singular structure in this site, symbolizes the modernisation brought to the existing program, while incorporating the vernacular concepts and principles specific to the Pays d’Enhaut region.