The project’s aim is to offer different levels of isolation for the students and collaborators of EPFL, wanting to take a short break from their work life. The garden is situated on a slope overviewing the EPFL campus and the Alpes.
People can choose between three different spaces.
The first is a room of filter where you can stay in between isolation and facing outside. An apple tree is planted in the corner which enhances the effect of filter and protection.
The second space is a stone terrace making the link between inside and outside. It allows people to sit in the sun looking at the view.
If one wants to isolate himself completely, he can pass through the little space called « sluice » and enter in the third space. This room houses a little flower field and a stone floor. This aims to provide a quiet and harmonic environment. The high walls protect the people from the outside impressions, in particularly the view and the noise.
The construction technique called « bhatar » (Pakistan) is a combination of dry stones and horizontal wood beams. This allows vers high and thin walls as well as a big opening, reducing material consumption. One wall emerges from the slope as the other is passing above creating a crossing of the two walls without touching each other.